Have any request of a Color Coded Lyrics? Or want to let us know about some errors in our Color Codings? Or maybe you just want to say something to us?
You have just to write to our official email address:
We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

About Requests:

If you have any requests, please remember to specify the name of the song and of the artist, and if you want send us a link to the video of the song too.
If you want to send us the lyrics of the songs are well accepted too, but please don't send us lyrics you got from another site or that you coded.

If you have any requests, please remember to specify the name of the song and of the artist, and if you want send us a link to the video of the song too.

And remember, we're real person behind a screen, so be gentle with us and the others users that visits our site.

1 commento:

  1. Why not EXILE's upcoming single "Ki.mi.ni.mu.chu"? Be sure to do color coding for that when it's released! ;)
